
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shell Spawn

Here is the next adventure in my journey of chaos spawn:
Some poor unfortunate desired more and more protection against harm. His carapace grew and grew, until it engulfed him.

UPDATE: 11.11.2014
I have started to add the greenstuff to this fellow. Still has a lot of work to go, but here it is.

UPDATE: 10.12.2014
I have added a little more GS to the rear.
UPDATE: 19.01.2015
I have finished the assembly; it is now drying from a coat of primer.

UPDATE: 10.02.2015
Finished bar basing and varnish for the gems.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Headed Spawn

Here is a picture of a chaos spawn model I need to finish. It still needs greenstuffing, but otherwise, it is ready to finish assembly and hit the painting table.

Update 1:
I have finished the greenstuffing (actually procreation) and assembly.

UPDATE: 13.02.2015

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Chaos Eldar Project - Khornate Hespirax

So the plan is to create an axe wielding Hespirax conversion with a Collar of Khorne. I am also considering modifying the symbol in the rock to one of Slaanesh and adding some more skulls to the mind she is standing on to show her contempt for the enemy god. Anyways, here are some pictures as I have so far, the first step was reposing the arms. I ended up bending the right arm in some hot water where as the left was mostly cutting. Unfortunately I lost the right thumb when cutting out the weapon, so I will have to practice my smaller scale gs-fu to fix it.

UPDATE: 27.10.2014
She is now sitting outside drying from primer. Here is how she looked before. I had the good fun of replacing the last joint of her thumb on her right hand, but thankfully it went beautifully.

UPDATE: 03.11.2014
Here she is mostly painted though still drying. The base still needs some work including some blood pooling from the head of the Slaanesh worshiper she has slain.

UPDATE: 04.11.2014
Finished, barring I gain the courage to retouch the eyes or something similar. (Also, please ignore the wings in the background

UPDATE: 05.11.2014
Upon consultation with some denizens of The Dark City, It was suggested that a watered down devlan mud wash might help make the colors seem less flat. So it has been done.