To start with, shall be a terminator lord conversion, I am thinking nurgle or tzeentch alpha legion.
Update: 018/04/2016:
UPDATE 26.04.2016:
Turns out he is a sorc:

A loyal wolf of cthonia:

The Truth of Caliban:
Update: 30.04.2016:
Ang Malor, The Unyielding
Update: 04.05.2016.
UPDATE: 27.05.2016
More chosen:
More chosen:
UPDATE: 10.07.2016
Biker sorc
UPDATE: 16.07.2016
More biker sorcerer:
UPDATE: 20.07.2016
More Terminator pics, wip:
Updated 18.04.2016 with more pictures of terminator (now sorcerer)
ReplyDeleteUpdated 26.04.2016 with more pictures of chaos deathwatch folks, including the Truth of Caliban.
ReplyDeleteUpdated 30.04.2016 with Ang Melor.
ReplyDeleteUpdated 04.05.2016 with primed Ang Melor.
ReplyDeleteUpdated 27.05.2016 with next chosen.
ReplyDeleteUpdated 10.07.2016 with some paint on a bike sorc.
ReplyDeleteUpdated 20.07.2016 with more pics of the terminator wip.